@article{dmitriev_high-contrast_2019, title = {High-contrast two-quantum optically detected resonances in {NV} centers in diamond in zero magnetic field}, copyright = {All rights reserved}, url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/1902.10481}, abstract = {The methods for controlling spin states of negatively charged nitrogen-vacancy centers using a combination of microwave (MW) or radiofrequency (RF) excitation field for electron spin transitions and RF excitation field for nuclear spin transitions are most effective in strong magnetic fields where level anti-crossing (LAC) occurs. However, LAC in zero field can also be used to control spin states, as well as to excite narrow resonances for metrological application. In this paper we present magnetically independent resonances arising in the ODMR spectra of NV centers in bulk diamond under two-frequency (MW+RF) resonant excitation in zero magnetic field, and discuss their specificity.}, urldate = {2019-04-02}, journal = {arXiv:1902.10481 [cond-mat, physics:quant-ph]}, author = {Dmitriev, A. K. and Vershovskii, A. K.}, month = feb, year = {2019}, note = {arXiv: 1902.10481}, keywords = {AV}, file = {arXiv\:1902.10481 PDF:C\:\\Users\\AntVer\\Zotero\\storage\\QJITBRE2\\Dmitriev и Vershovskii - 2019 - High-contrast two-quantum optically detected reson.pdf:application/pdf;arXiv.org Snapshot:C\:\\Users\\AntVer\\Zotero\\storage\\QJ5SWUCB\\1902.html:text/html} }