@article{barantsev_laser_2022, title = {Laser {Pumping} of {Alkali} {Atoms} in {Conditions} of {Conservation} of the {Nuclear} {Spin} {State} in {Collisions} in a {Gas} {Cell}}, volume = {134}, copyright = {All rights reserved}, issn = {1090-6509}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1134/S1063776122050089}, doi = {10.1134/S1063776122050089}, abstract = {We analyze the polarization of the total angular momentum of alkali atoms in a gas cell with a buffer gas under pumping by monofrequency circularly polarized laser radiation. The mathematical model takes into account the motion of atoms and collisions preserving the nuclear spin under the chaotization of the angular momentum of the outer electron shell, total hyperfine structure, and the Zeeman structure. We analyze the stationary solution to equations for the density matrix of alkali atoms and the effect produced on them by the fraction of inelastic collision in which the quenching of atomic excitation takes place. We consider the contribution of various hyperfine states to the polarization of alkali atoms. The results are compared with the results of the model of instantaneous mixing of populations in the excited state.}, number = {5}, journal = {Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics}, author = {Barantsev, K. A. and Litvinov, A. N. and Pazgalev, A. S. and Vershovskii, A. K.}, month = may, year = {2022}, pages = {560--569}, }